Yoetzet (Advisor) Guidelines and Communication

Each Edah (unit, age group) has a Yoetzet (advisor). Our Yoetzet are all professionals that work with children and are often parents themselves. At camp, the Yoetzet spends time with chanichim and tzevet so that they may better understand the individual, the group and their dynamics. Yoetzet are our coaches, advisors and support systems. Our Yoetzet work with madrichim to train and support on several topics including homesickness, social dynamics, behavior strategies, hygiene and many others that come up throughout the summer.

Once camp begins, the Yoetzet will be your primary contact.

The Yoetzet may contact parents/guardians regarding camper challenges as they present. Together we have a goal of a successful summer for your child and plan to work together to create and understand resources and problem solving.

Camp will share the contact information for their child’s Yoetzet before the summer sessions begin. This is the best time to share any outstanding or new information that will be helpful with the Yoetzet.

Once camp begins it is best to email your child’s Yoetzet directly. They will do their best to get back to you within 24 hours. Our Yoetzet are primarily with campers and staff and not in the office. If there is an issue that needs to be attended to right away, please contact our camp office and they will notify the Yoatzot.

For campers in Garinim, Shorashim and Nitzanim (their first week only), parents/guardians will receive daily emails from camp (no emails on Shabbat). These emails will provide a general update regarding the activities and programs the campers have been enjoying. Parents/Guardians of first-time campers in older Edot will receive an email or call from the Yoetzet within the first 10 days of camp.

In all cases, if there is an issue that you need to be aware of, we will be in touch.