Say goodbye to summer this August at Camp Ramah in Canada!
Register For Family Camp Today!
We are thrilled to be hosting Family Camp at Camp Ramah in Canada after camp this summer, from Friday, August 16th – Sunday, August 18th.
Families with children under 10, join us for three days full of amazing Camp Ramah in Canada traditions and fun.
Sit back and relax and let your kids become campers as they experience life as a Camp Ramah chanich or chanicha!
Led by our experienced counselors and staff, your children will spend time on the agam, sing songs at the bamah during our family style Kaballat Shabbat, try out some of our different chugim including amaznut and sports, cook out at our beautiful bonfire, visit our amazing waterfall, and say goodbye to Shabbat at a beautiful group Havdalah.
Note: There will be lots of great optional programming for adults too!
We are offering an amazing price of just $99 (+HST) for new families!
Other pricing:
- Returning Camp Ramah in Canada families: $300 +HST
- Returning Camp Ramah in Canada families who bring a new family to Family Camp: $99 +HST